Today, I got from a new expat friend, for the X-time my most hated question: is Buenos Aires, really safe?
Since living in Argentina, all the verbal altercations in which I entered were with other expats; and absolutely all of them, regarded the matter of personal security in Borges beloved city.Don’t get me wrong, I truly encourage, an intellectual verbal dispute, which is based on true facts or verified information, but if you come and throw around with fake accusations or theories which haven’t been verified, you surely won’t have a good conversation partner in me.
And Yes, I’ve also read those threads with: “Argentina is located in South America, not the safest region in the world”, and before coming here, I’ve even bought into them! But since living in Buenos Aires, I can assure you that either to me or my friends something bad happened.
No violent crimes, pickpockets or moto robos, and police is present in all public and touristic areas, being extremely friendly and helpful. To be honest, this is by far one of the safest cities in which I’ve lived so far!
Of course, as in the case of any great metropolis, Buenos Aires also has areas which should be avoided, or visited during day time only.
I went to La Boca in the evening (more got lost there than visiting), but no one attacked or harmed me in any way. To my great surprise, the locals were extremely nice, and they called me a taxi to go back home (read my post First day in Argentina). Still, I’m not a dumb little person, and will recognize that walking around La Boca after sunset was unwise, but can you honestly tell me that your city doesn’t have impoverished neighborhoods or barrios were petty theft is more widely spread?
If it’s 2 AM and you see that two men are following you, why would you walk on an abandoned street? HELLO! You’re not Van Damme and we’re not in a Hollywood Blockbuster!
It’s the same case as with those girls who dress up super trashy but then they have the courage to complain that men are staring always in their décolletage or they are treated as sex toys. My dear, how could he concentrate on something else than your charms, when everything is out there, in the public eye!
What I’m trying to say is that if you don’t look for trouble and try to act wisely, this city will give you absolutely no headaches in matter of personal security….so please, but really please, stop bugging me with your safety issues!
Secretly hoping that in the future, I won’t have to go back to these questions, here are my answers:
1. No, nobody attacked me after sunset (not even a vampire, werewolf or other creatures of the night).
2. No one tried to drug me in the club or to rape me (this is by far the dumbest question ever…it should be scientifically proven that too many episodes of NYPD could affect your mental stability).
3. Yes, I use my I-Phone, camera, Blackberry on the street, and no one tried to steal it (funny fact, I became I-phone-less in one of the safest cities in Europe).
4. Haven’t witnessed any street crimes or experienced anything remotely threatening (and believe me, I do stand out as a tourist: with this pale white skin and light brown hair, and an indecipherable accent).
5. Haven’t been attacked by a gunman in a bar or a boutique (the only ones who are constantly attacking me, are Argentinean admirers asking for my phone number, but that couldn’t pass as a crime nowhere in the world).
6. Didn’t get any counterfeit money.
7. No taxi scams whatsoever. On the contrary, wanted to give an extra 5 pesos to a driver, because he was so helpful, but he refused my money wishing me a pleasant stay.
All I’ve experienced so far was hospitality, welcoming attitude, love for foreigners and politeness. Stay street smart and no need for paranoia.
In the end, it’s probably even a question of luck; I was robbed and got fake Euros, in some of the safest cities in Europe.
I like very much your stories.You became a great fan of the city BAs,and when you fall in love with a city, not beat you,anyone.This will be subject to the following books ?Will be the next tale of love in this romantic setting ?
RăspundețiȘtergereI'm even afraid to say something "bad" about BA because you'll get angry with me.Hahahah
RăspundețiȘtergereBut I love you and whatever you love, I love it, it's nice to see that you aren't losing your enthusiasm and love for your surroundings